The ARISE Football & Cheer Camp - 2 day camp
(For info about ARISE's year round Mentoring program click here)
Flag Football Camp designed for boys & girls ages 9-14
Cheer leading/ step & flag camp designed for girls ages 7-14
Both linked to a free mentoring program for anyone interested.
The goal of the camp is to help participants go to the next level on the field and the goal of the mentoring program is to help them go to the next level off the field.
Daily sessions will be conducted Wednesday & Thursday from 6:00pm – 8:30pm at St. Vincent St. Mary High School in Akron. In case or rain camp will be held across the street inside the Costigan Baseball & Softball Training Facility.
What Student Athletes Receive:
- An ARISE Football or Cheerleading Shirt
- Instruction from former NFL, professional, and collegiate players
- 7 on 7 Scrimmages
- Prepackaged Snacks & drinks provided each day
- One Year long Mentoring Program
All student athletes must be in attendance on every day of the camp, or their spot for the remainder of the camp will be given to one of the students on the alternates list.